Kathina Invitation, Classes in English, RRRF Donors List, Schedule (Oct-Dec,17)

Dear All,

You are warmly invited to our Kathina Robe Offering Ceremony
on Sunday, Oct 29, 17, at Sitagu Buddha Vihara, Austin, TX ,USA.

Scheduled events:

11:00 a.m – Offering of lunch to the 16 Monks
11:30 a.m – Lunch for lay people
1:00 p.m – Offering of Kathina Robes, Dhamma Talk and Sharing Merits
2:00 p.m – Entertainment

Free Lunch for lay people will be provided. Please bring any traditional dishes and desserts that you would like to offer to monks or share with others. You are also requested to inform the Vihara, if you plan to offer food so that they may make arrangements for offering accordingly. You may offer ” 5 Air Tickets” “Kathina Tree”, Community Outreach Fund and “Vihara Ongoing Supporting Fund” .

ကထိန္ဒါန လွဴၾကသူမွာ က ် ဳိ းငါးျဖာကား –
သြားေလရာ၀ယ ္အႏ ၱၱၱရာယ ္ကင္း ၊ ပစၥည္းရင္းမွာ မီးျပင္းမဖ ်က္ ၊

ဆိပ္မတက ္ဘဲ ၊ ေမ့ေလ ် ာ့ ဥစၥာ မဆုံးပါရ ၊

ျပိဳ င္ရွာၾကေသာ ္ကုိယ္ကဦးစြာ အသာရသည္ ၊

ငါးျဖာ ကထိန္ လွဴ က ် ဳိ း တည္း ။

Five benefits for the Kathina Robe donors :

(1) They will be free from unhappy states throughout their lives. When they make a journey, whether of short or long distance, they won’t be hampered by unnecessary preparations, but will furnished with all requirement and provisions.
(2) They will have freedom from hindrances of all kinds and they will have every aspiration fulfilled.
(3) They won’t be affected by poison or possessed evil spells, etc.
(4) Their possessions will never be spoiled or lost; they will be able to leave their belongings behind without any worry, that is, they will be safe.
(5) The donors of the Kathina robe will always be fortunate, their good deeds will succeed, they will be successful among many rivals.
* Whenever you cultivate wholesome deeds you should not allow yourself to be a prey to attachment.

Invited Monks List

1. Sri Lanka Sayadaw – South Sri Lanka Vihara, Austin
2. Ashin Candasiri – Sitagu Sangha Vihara, West Palm Beach, Florida
3. Ashin Ariyadhamma – Sitagu Buddha Vihara, Austin, Texas
4. Ashin Aggadhamma – Sitagu Buddha Vihara
5. Ashin Kavadhaja – Sitagu Buddha Vihara
6. Ashin Jatilalankara – Sitagu Buddha Vihara
7. Ashin Khemacara – Sitagu Buddha Vihara

8. Ashin Saccanyana – Sitagu Buddha Vihara
9. Ashin Medhananda – Sitagu Missionary Center, Yangon, Myanmar

10. Ashin Sucarita – Sitagu Missionary Center, Yangon, Myanmar

11. Ashin Sutacara – Sitagu Missionary Center, Yangon, Myanmar

12. Ashin Ukkamsa – Sitagu Missionary Center, Yangon, Myanmar
13. Sri Lanka Sayadaw – South Sri Lanka Vihara, Austin
14. Ashin Cintita – Sitagu Buddha Vihara (American Monk)

15. Ashin Pannasiri – Sitagu Buddha Vihara (Chinese Monk)
16. Ashin Ananda – Sitagu Buddha Vihara (Venezuela Monk)

bhikkhucintita posted: “Sitagu Buddha Vihara is multifaceted: We support festivals and ceremonies, offer opportunities for meditation and retreat, maintain a large library for research or casual reading, engage in charitable work. We also stand out as a resource for Buddhist edu”

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New post on News from Sitagu, Austin

Classes in English at SBV

by bhikkhucintita

Sitagu Buddha Vihara is multifaceted: We support festivals and ceremonies, offer opportunities for meditation and retreat, maintain a large library for research or casual reading, engage in charitable work. We also stand out as a resource for Buddhist education and scholarship; all of our monks are quite knowledgeable and almost all have earned PhDs. I would like to describe here our English language programs that we have neglected to report in previous news segments.

img_1852Our English-language programs target the many non-Burmese who come to our center. Although these programs aim to faithfully represent the teachings of the Buddha, they are taught in a different mode from the Burmese programs because of the linguistic and cultural peculiarities of the West. Sometimes Buddhist concepts simply have to be explained in more detail or differently to a Westerner than to a Burmese. In fact, we would like actively to encourage members of the younger generation of Burmese to join these programs and all those who have acquired a Western outlook; this might prove invaluable to your understanding of Buddhism. Ashin Cintita of California has been actively teaching here for seven years. We are also delighted that Ashin Ananda of Venezuela has recently joined our Sangha, after having led the English Language Group at Jade Buddha Temple in Houston. U Ananda’s English is great, but his native language is Spanish and he is already influencing the demographics of SBV accordingly. Our Burmese monks all speak English and should not be overlooked as very knowledgeable one-on-one resources for Buddhist education.

All of our weekly and periodic programs can be found on the Web on our schedule page. 55b7be661b9f14fa38f3d576f9374f75Further information is available on our Meetup page, our primary means of advertising our English programs in Austin. Highlights of this program are:

  • Buddhist Life/Buddhist Path. Ashin Cintita has been teaching this periodic twelve-week introduction to Buddhism for a number of years on Sunday afternoons and even wrote the textbook. The next course begins November 5.
  • Meditation and Discussion. This meets Saturday mornings 9-11 and provides instruction along with an opportunity to meditate with others.
  • Sekha Group. This is newly formed, a community of committed Buddhist practitioners that meets Sunday morning.
  • Buddhist Movie Night. We will initiate this on Friday evening October 20 with a showing of Travelers and Magicians, a wonderful story filmed in Bhutan. Thereafter we hope to show one movie a month.

Please join us in these programs and encourage friends and family to do likewise. Above all, please encourage younger or otherwise Americanized Burmese to join us on the Buddha’s path.

bhikkhucintita | October 10, 2017 at 12:40 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p1QPLU-8x

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TDSA’s Rakhine Refugees Relief Fund (ရခုိင္အလွဴ) (RRRF) Donors List :

1. Ashin Ariyadhamma – $ 100
2. Ashin Kavidhaja – $ 100
3. Ashin Jatilalankara – $ 100
4. Ashin Saccanyana – $ 100
5. Ashin Aggadhamma – $ 100
6. Ashin Khemacara – $ 100

7. (U Tun Sein) + Daw Mya Kyi family – $ 500
8. U Han Maung, Medina, Ohio – $ 500
9. Dr. Tin Aung Hla +Dr. Win Wah Kyu – $ 500

10. Dr. Aung Ba + Dr. Sandar Min – $ 500

11. Ko Melvin Tan + Dr. Tin Tin Wai family- $ 300

12. Dr. Thelma Tan – $ 300

13. Dr. Myo Aung + Dr. Yu Yu Khin – $ 300
14. Ko Kyi Lin Family – $ 300
15. Daisy Lee Family – $ 300

16. Tin Tin Khine – $ 300
17. Dr. Aye Ko Ko + Dr. Nwe Nwe Aye – $ 250
18. Dr. Win Bo + Daw Than Than Shwe – $ 200
19. Dr. Thant Zin – $ 200
20 . Dr. Sandar Win – $ 200
21. Ko Tun Lin + Ma Thida – $ 200

22. Dr. Khin Mar Oo – $ 200
23. Bruce & Nwe, Houston – $ 200

24. Ma Htet Htet – $ 200

25. Dr. U Thane Kyaw + Daw San San – $ 100

26 Dr. Soe Myint Aung+Dr. Ma Thu Zar – $ 100

27. Ko Zaw Tin + Ma Mar Lar – $ 100
28. Thida Rivkin – $ 100

29. Ko Tun Ni + Ma Thin Thin Nwe – $ 100
30. Ko Cho + Ma Moe Moe – $ 100

31. Dr. Tin Nyunt + Daw Aye Kyaing – $ 100

32. Luigi Lorsi, Daw Khin Khin Thet – $ 100

33. Yin Oo – $ 100
34. May May Than – $ 100

35. U Edward + Daw Khin Thein Yee – $ 100

36. Ko Aye Myint family – $ 70
37. (Dr. Myo Thant ) Daw Khin Khin Oo – $ 50

38. Kunthiri + Win Win Cho – $ 50
39. Ma Nyo – $ 50

40. Nang Mary – $ 50 = Total $ 7420 = K 100 Lakh

Sitagu Buddha Vihara Current Projects :(ေက ်ာင္းအလွဴ)

Outdoor Eating Hall (24’x24′), 5 Car Garage & 1 Storage (65’x20′) Projects Donors List :

1. Dr. Myo Aung Aung & Dr. Yu Yu Khin – $ 3000

2. Dr. Aye Ko Ko & Dr. Nwe Nwe Aye – $ 2500

3. Dr. Aung Naing Lwin + Dr. Kyi Kyi Shwe – $ 1000
4. Ko Myo Than Tin & Dr. Khine Zin Oo – $ 1000

5. Dr. Win Bo & Daw Than Than Shwe – $ 1234

6. Ko Victor & Dr. Myint Myint Aye – $ 1000

7. Dr. Soe Win & Dr. Myint Myint Kyu – $ 5000

8. Bruce & Nwe – $ 200 = Total – $ 14934

Vihara Schedule (Oct – Nov- Dec), 2017 (အခ ်ိန္ဇယား )

October 1, 17 – Ko Kyaw Min Naing + Ma Nwe Yin Win Lunch Offering at home

October 4, 17 – Naing Wai Lin + Hsu Hsu Paing – House Warming Lunch Offering

October 5, 17, Thursday – Texas Sangha Pavarana Ceremony at Sitagu Buddha Vihara, Austin, Texas

October 7, 17 – Dr. San Wah & Sabble Phyu Lim – Birthday Offering at Friendswood

October 8, 17 – Kathina Robe Offering Ceremony at Sitagu Dhamma Vihara, Minnesota

October 8, 17 – Kathina Robe Offering Ceremony at South Sri Lanka Vihara, Austin

October 15, 17 – Kathina Robe Offering Ceremony at Houston Sri Lanka Vihara + Ashin Tikkhanyana, Marshall Town, Iowa + Alodawpyae Kyaung, San Antonio

October 21, 17 – October Born People Offering, Kathina Robe Offering Ceremony at Sitagu Sangha Vihara, Florida

October 22, 17 – Kathina Robe Offering Ceremony at Pannarama Dhamma Center, Dallas, Texas

October 29, 17, Sunday – Kathina Robe Offering Ceremony at Sitagu Buddha Vihara, Austin, Texas

November 5, 17 – Kathina Robe Offering Ceremony at Zayyawati Kyaung, Houston

November 7, 17 – Khet Khet Wai’s Lunch Offering at Spring

November 12, 17 – Kathina Robe Offering Ceremony at Shwe Phone Pwint Dhamma Center, Ft Worth, Texas

November 25, 17 – Zayar’s Daughter’s 100th Days Birthday at San Marcos

November 26, 17 – Luigi Lorsi & Daw Khin Khin Thet, Lunch Offering at San Antonio

December 2, 17 – Sitagu Sayadawgyi and Group arrival to Vihara

December 24, 17 – Sitagu Sayadawgyi and Group departure from Vihara

December 25, 17 – Daw Candapabha & U Kyaw Myint – Memorial Offering

Dec, 25, 17 to Apr, 10, 18 – Myanmar Trip

Pagoda LED Light Donors List (ဘုရားမီးအလွဴရွင္) ( 90 $/ one)

Will offer Gold Paint the whole body of Pagoda soon !

1. Dr. Tin Aung Aung Hla + Dr. Win Wah Kyu -2

2. Daw Khin Toe Yee – 1

3. Dr. Win Bo + Daw Than Than Shwe -3

4. Ko Victor + Dr. Myint Myint Aye -5

5. Dr. Myo Aung + Dr. Yu Yu Khin -5

6. Ko Melvin Tan + Dr. Tin Tin Wai -9

7. Dr. Aung Kyaing -3 = Total 28 :

Sadhu ! 3

TDSA Community Outreach Fund (သာေရး နာေရး ရံပုံေငြ)

1. Ko Melvin Tan + Dr. Tin Tin Wai – $100

2. Dr. Tin Aung Hla + Dr. Win Wah Kyu – $ 100

3. Dr. Soe Myint Aung + Dr. Ma Thu Zar – $ 100

4. Kyaw Kyaw Lay + Le Le Thu Zar Khin – $ 100

Yours in the Dhamma,

Ariyadhamma, Ashin, Dr.

Maha saddhamma jotika dhaja
Assistant of Sitagu Sayadaw
In Charge of Sitagu Missionary Association in USA
Theravada Dhamma Society of America

Sitagu Buddha Vihara
9001 Honeycomb Dr.
Austin, TX 78737

Ph : 512 301 3968 (home)

About bhikkhucintita

A Buddhist monk in Austin, Texas.
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